Saturday, 1 May 2010

Yes, thats right! A venue has been secured. However it is not for the Brazil night. Nope, it's for a pub quiz. After a crisis meeting with my 2 second in commands (sister Eileen and brother Graeme) we decided (well they decided and convinced me) that a pub quiz will be worth the time and effort. It will be infinately less effort to pull together than a party night.

So we have a pub function room, Graeme is busy coming up with the quiz, I will need to sit down and write nice letters to lots of places asking, ever so nicely, for raffle prizes. Eileen has not yet been allocated a job, but I am sure I'll think of something for her to do. In the next couple of weeks I'll get some posters up in work letting people know so they can get teams together and hopefully it will be a jolly old night.

In other news, the sweetie jar was won on Friday. One of the managers managed to guess the exact amount - 524 - which apparently is her house number. How lucky is that? This is a picture of said jar a whole 3 minutes after it was won. I believe her team were very greatful for its sugary goodness and spent the day in a sugar high.

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